What is this blog?
So, simply put, this is where I want to start discussing anime or manga I've been watching/reading. After thinking about it for a bit, I've decided I wanted to do it on a per-episode/chapter-basis. That means I'll watch an episode or read a chapter and then come over here and post my thoughts on it. Then, perhaps, once it's finished I'll write a general review for the series as a whole. The only issue with this is that if I want to write about something I've already seen, I would have to re-watch it to keep within the format of the blog. Which, honestly, wont be an issue as I can only use an excuse to re-visit my favorite shows and manga. But, that means some of the stuff I've hated will be completely missed because I'm not going to go back for it.
And yes, I plan to write for EVERYTHING. Stuff meant for women, stuff meant for children, stuff meant for horny young men - whatever I happen to decide to watch. This will become apparent early on, as the first entries I plan to write will be on a new series I decided to start on a whim - Dragon Collection. This is a show based on a mobile/card game (I guess, based on the shows premise), and meant for younger kids. Besides Dragon Collection, other shows I am already following include (just) Break Blade. Dunno what else I'll pick up and/or re-watch, but now that I have an excuse it'll probably be a decent bit.
Also, now that I think about it, I might include book reviews in the future. This will be sporadic and right now I'm halfway through a series so the first few will probably make no sense to most people and will include spoilers. And that reminds me, THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS! If you can't stand the possibility of having something "ruined" for you, please do not read any further. I'll try to keep it to a minimum, but I'll obviously want to discuss certain things that happened in the story so it's unavoidable.
Anyways, thanks for reading and hopefully you stick with me.
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